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- Mandana du har så många gånger räddat mig från panikångest och rädslor som smyger sig på. Finns ingen annan mental coach jag känt mig så trygg med.
- Du har räddat mitt liv, så som du får en att tänka blir allt så enkelt, du känner mig mer än vad jag känner mig som också är lite läskigt men underbart på samma gång.
To be able to help others, it`s important to first of all acknowledge what an awakening feels like, and have the knowledge about what tools you should take with you in your suffering process.
Through my cognitive-behavioral therapeutic training, i have my tools to change thought patterns and with my spiritual competence to be able to identify the feeling trought our intelligence, thereby being able to heal the body and soul and releese a calm in the mind.
Changing can be hard before it feels wonderful. This is because we must first break down old ways of thinking into new-once, healthier ways of living.
Communication and trust are therefore a very important aspect when working with mental health.
The client needs to believe in you in order to be able and willing to talk about their worries, phobias and fears so that the collaboration can begin towards achieving change.
My self-image is reflected in my profession as a mental awakening coach, as I went through a lot of suffering at an early age.
The stress from being an workaholic and society's image of what a woman should look like in physical shape resulted in me puching myself of becoming seriously ill!
The only choice left for me was to let go of all my control and trust that the body would overcome the ordeal to survive. By letting the ego die i allow myself to live again from the ashes like the Phoenix I was reborn.
Svenska, Engelska, Farsi
Mina tjänster: När det kommer till den mentala hälsan handlar det om att våga öppna upp sig! Det är jobbigt i början innan det blir bättre! När panikångesten kommer vill man ha någon där och då! Jag finns med dig hela vägen! Paket pris 1- 1000 kr för 2 h online-session.
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Paket pris 2- 2000 kr står för:
✅4 h online-session.
Vid behov får du skicka ✅SMS-✅ röst-meddelanden samt ✅akut samtal vid panikångest.
Session per h/ 500kr -enbart online-session
Healande hälsningar Mandana Najafipour
Messenger, Telefon, Zoom | 073-2076312